Hi Guys,
First of all I just want to start by wishing you all a Happy New Year!
I thought I would share my New Year's make-up with you today! Just going to show you all the products I use and where I use them.
Olay Total Effects 7inOne Moiusturiser + Serum; I use this everyday, all over my face (cheeks, nose, forehead). It matifys my skin and allows for easy application of foundation.
Benefit It's Potent Eye Cream; I have never used this before but as it came free I decided to try this one tonight. Will let you know what I think of it!
Benefit The Porefessional Pro Balm; I use this on my nose and under my eyes just to smooth out the dry skin and fill in any gaps just to allow for no unwanted lines.
Collection Lasting Perfection Conceler, 2 Light; This conceler just covers my dark circles and imperfections perfectly. Used with Real Techniques Expert Face Brush.
Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation, N51 Light Vanilla; I don't like foundations, I always feel they are too heavy on my skin and they never matched until I found this one. Used with Real Techniques Expert Face Brush.
Bourjois Healthy Balance Matte Powder, 52 Vanilla; Sets the foundation perfectly and takes away any shine you may have had. Used with Real Techniques Due Fiber Face Brush.
Fraulein Brow Kit; As my eyebrows are quite dark i like that the wax and shadow aren't too dark and it makes my brows more defined while keeping my brows in place and not all over the place.
Maybelline Brow Drama; Received this in my Glossy Box and I love it! Tames my flyaway brow hairs perfectly for the whole day.
W7 Eye Primer; Although the packaging has broken and I've only had this for three weeks the product itself it brilliant. I would say it's just as good as all the High End ones (even though I have tried them) This works wonders and keeps my shadow from creasing and in place. You could even wear it by itself as it's slightly pink in colour.
MAC Eyeshadow; I use the trick of selotape to create my winged/smokey eyes because I havent had mucvh practice and I dont want to ruin the rest of my face! So once I use that I then apply Grain MAC eyeshadow and apply all over my lid with a flat eyeshadow brush, then I used Satin Taupe for the wings, over the tape so I didnt get messy, and then on the middle of my lid I used a small flat eyeshadow brush to apply Cork.
MUA Eyeliner in jet black; I just apply this on my lower waterline and on the lower and upper lash lines and then I blended it with my LyDia Professional blending brush.
Collection Super Size Fat Lash Mascara, 17 Ultra Black + Benefit They're Real Mascara; Love these and they complement each other so much! Makes the perfect Falsh/Real Lash look.
Bourjois Smokey Eye Pallette; I used the black from this pallette to go over the blended eyeliner to give it more definition, just not as harsh as liner would have given.
Qianle Gel EyeLiner; Again I used this over the top of the blended MUA eyeliner to just give slightly more definition.
Cheeks + Lips:
Sleek Blush, Rose Gold; I use this on the apples and on my cheek bones. This gives you a nice glow which isnt too over powering.
Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub; In the winter I suffer from dry lips so I simple scrub off the dryness and then lick off the sugar because it just tates amazing!
Zam-Buk; Passed down in the female line of my family, this stuff will literally help anything, I use this under lipstick and when I go to bed to beat the dry chapped lips!
Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick, 457 Wild Orchid; This is a new purchase, I love the deep plum/red colours in winter, plus they go really well with my hair.
So that is everything I am wearing for the end of this year! If you're reading this, drop me a comment so I know you passed by. Have a good one,
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