So this is going to be the just, she will write a Tiny Talk post, hopefully most of you will read it, and then come and nosey on at my page for my experience and advice on the said topic. Mine however will only be posted on a wednesday and Thursday so apologies if they don't all tie together. I'll link her blog posts as the beginning of mine, just incase you don't have a clue what I am on about. You can read the first one here, it is on frenemies.
Now to me a frenemie is someone you know, not nessecarily like, but you pretend to be nice, to get along, for the sake of someone you know when really you neither care nor want to know anything about them. Usually someone who irritates you and you would be happy if you never saw them again.
In my life I have had at least two of these and I shall tell you about both then tell you how I personally deal with these people.
Frenemie No.1: Possibly the easiest one to have. We are both friends with the same person and usually if we are out together and we are both there, we make the effort to acknowledge one another but we do not engage into any endepth conversation. Her presence just annoys me as I always get the vibe she doesn't particularly like me much. So I just tend to ignore her, I'm civil if we are around each other for my friends sake and most of the time I am never anywhere near her, which is very satisfactory for me.
Frenemie No.2: This was when I was in school and unfortunately ended badly for me because this was the worst kind of frenemie. I hung around with about 2-3 different groups but usually I would be with my small group of 4, sometimes 5. Now while I was in this group not only did I have a frenemie, I was also one myself. Although I didn't know this at the time. Mine was a girl I had never liked, nor wanted to because she had always been nasty to me. In fast I think she was only nice to me once and that was only because our "best friend" was the same person. Yes, as you can guess that person is no longer my friend nor in my life. The worst thing though was being on, I had no idea that one of the girls didn't like me, she was also so quiet and sweet but there was this one day where I said something she didn't like and then she just stopped talking to me and only speaking if it was part of a group conversation so that it wasn't directly to me and then eventually she stopped sitting with us. This really got to me because I thought she was an amazing friend and then she just left and started being horrible.
My advice to deal with these people is to just be nice, even if you don't like them and can't stand them, there is no need to make someone else's life harder or uncomfortable because you don't like them. There is nothing wrong with Frenemies, or with being one as long as you aren't being horrible or nasty. Always be the better person and NEVER lower yourself to other peoples standards. You are amazing, you are beautiful and you are important. Why make yourself look bad when you can let someone else make themselves look bad you you'll be a better person for it.
Don't forget to go and view LovelyChubly's post. If you have a topic you want advice on or just want to hear my experiences leave a comment and we will do a post about it.
Have a great weekend!