Welcome to my first favourites blog post, sorry it's going to be massively boring!
I don't have a lot of favourites this month as it's my first go and I'm only just getting started. Hopefully February will be a better month! But hey, everyone has to start somewhere right?
As i've never done a favourites post before I'm to entirely sure how I'm going to lay this out, so be patient, it'll probably change a few times!
Okay so I know this is a bad picture but my camera broke so I had to use my phone... Bad move!
Luckily I'm going to talk about everything anyway so let's get started;
Mabelline's Brow Drama: I don't think I will ever get bored of this product. Until I received this in my glossy box I had never even dreamed go putting something on my brows let alone believe that anything should tame those unruly hairs that just like to flick in the opposite direction you want them. Little did I know that this would be my saviour, it's incredible. It doesn't show up a lot but it's hold is brilliant, I only need to re-apply if I am planning on going out after a full day of work but this definitely is a win in my books.
Zambuk: Now I know everyone who reads this will literally read the title of that and be like WHAAAAT?! But trust me, this is the most amazing lip saving balm you will ever try. Winter has definitely taken it's toll on my poor lips. They are dry, cracked and flakey all the time. I started complaining to my mum and she reminded me of our family hand me down of Zambuk. I have been using this for about 4 years, god knows why my brain didn't think to use this first because it is literally amazing. I slap on loads, well not loads but enough to cover all my lips and just the outside of them, go to sleep and voila! When I wake up in the morning I have baby smooth kissable lips ready for a dash of colour. I bought these off the internet for £6.35 for three. This will last me the whole year!
W7 Flirty Eyes Mascara: This is just perfect for an everyday, fluttery but not too dramatic look. With the unique shape of the brush it really defines the inner and outer corners of the lashes while making the middle very voluptuous. Definitely a dupe of the Benefit They're Real, and you can get this on Amazon for £2.40. Bargain!
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush: I don't know how I ever did make-up without this brush. This is an amazing brush which allows me to blend my conceler and foundation on my face without leaving any lines at all. I could literally just wear conceler with how good this brush blends it in. You can get these brushes anywhere but I bought mine off of amazon. I told you guys, I have an obsession.
Body Shop Brush Cleaner: I bought this as I ran out of the Sephora one I had from when I visited the states. However I think this one is completely 100% better than the Sephora one. I only need to deep clean my brushes once a month because this bush cleaner get 90% of the products used off the brush.
Nutrogena Wave: I think this has been discontinued as I got this for my birthday about 2 years ago but I found this just before New Years and I decided to start using this again and it is just amazing to use after make-uo remover just to clean the face and take off anything that you missed. It has two settings and you (used to) get different discs that you can attach, I am currently using the Deep Clean ones which have cleanser in them and this just works a dream. My skin is definitely ready for toner after I have done this which allows my moisturiser to go onto my face better.
Bobbi Brown Make Up Manual: This is in my favourites because this guide is incredible. If there is anything you need to learn about make-up. I especially like the page that explains where to put bronzer and highlighter for each type of face. SO HELPFUL!
And that is it for this month, hopefully I will have more to try next month and if you have any suggestions let me know!
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