No7 Beautifully Matte; I could not speak more praise about this product. I literally love it to bits. With a brush it glides on beautifully and, if I haven't said it enough, covers my flakey nose! There are also a lot of colours that fit to everyone and doesn't leave you with an ounce of shine (unless you're very oily). It is also Hypo-allergenic so if you have sensitive it won't irritate it too much!
Maxfactor Colour Elixir Lip Liner, 04 Pink Princess; this is probably the most perfect lip pencil I have ever had the pleasure of purchasing. It sits on and defines lips perfectly and can be used as just a liner, or over the full lip.
Calvin Klein Lipstick, Mesmerise; if you hadn't noticed a theme yet, pink is the new black. I've been loving this colour on my lips and worn it nearly everyday.
Nivea Lip Butter, Raspberry Rose; Not only is this pink and smells amazing, it also smooths your lips and saves you from the chapped look. My friend introduced me to them when she showed me her coconut one. Although I'm not a coconut fan, the properties and texture of this beautiful lip balm is definitely worth a little hype. Why not try it for yourself?
Soap and Glory, Girlingo Moisturising Spray Mist; most of you know I have just returned from Lanzarote and since then I have peeled so much! However, this mist, or moisturiser. It literally saves the skin. Two lots of this and I've not peeled since.
Non Beauty;
Alton Towers Ticket; Yes, this month I went to Alton Towers. I tend to take a trip every year as I find this is one of the best places in England. Not only are the grounds beautiful, they are littered with roller coasters. Whats not to love? Although my friend did make a very good point; why do we scare ourselves just to raise our adrenaline levels? I answered with who cares?!
Portable Battery; This is the pink block at the top. We all know smart phone batteries are not the best because we use them for too many things, but now we don't need to run out of battery halfway through the day. If it's getting low or you need a top up before going out, rather than carrying a charger and having to find a plug now we can carry these little handy things. Power to everyone.
Babybel, Gouda; I know this is the most random favourite ever, but I can't help it. I just love Cheese. These are incredible and you should try them.
Mini Matchmakers; I've always thought Matchmakers were too long, you have to break them up and then they melt in your hands. Now, they've made mini ones and it's possible made them my second favourite chocolate all over again, (yes, second, nothing comes before white malteasers. I still don't know why they aren't made anymore!).
Graceling; If you're a vivid reader of my blog you'll know I'm a huge fantasy fan, and that's one of the reasons this is my all time favourite book. I recently found it again while I was digging around in the loft, I had put it up there while I went to uni (as i couldn't take everything) and read it again very quickly. This story is so original, along with its sequels Fire and Bitterblue, that it has every right to be number one on my list. I mean who else would think about people with multicoloured eyes being graced with special powers. I wouldnt. This adventure story is possibly one of the best reads I have ever had the pleasure of reading and if you're a bookworm I highly suggest you get stuck into this. Leck, Po and all the other characters will have you glued to the pages.
Nikita; I have watched all four seasons this month, and loved every second. Even if I did shed a few tears at the end. If you like things like Mission Impossible or Die Hard, you're bound to be a fan, so what are you waiting for? Go watch!
Thats all my favourites from this month. Let me know if you are liking the same things;