Today's post is all about a series I know a lot of you will be watching, but do any to you understand it? Although I am loving Game of Thrones, my main reason for watching it is the hope that as it goes on everything will become more clear and I'll start to understand what is actually going on!
If you know and can explain this to me, please do!
So Monday's is now Game of Thrones night, unfortunately by the time this post has gone up I will be on holiday in Lanzarote and will have missed an episode! So I'm going to write about the opening to season four.
I enjoyed this episode, still immensely confused, but enjoyed it none the less. Khaleesi's dragons look like they're going to cause a bit of trouble this season, as they're growing up and "dragons can never be tame." I'm really hoping there is going to be something incredibly interesting to happen with this! I'm a massive dragon fan so they better not go crazy!
I feel like Sansa is being a bit hard done by, forced to marry Tyrion as she is no longer marrying Joffery and then finding out her entire family has been slaughtered. If only she knew about Arya!! I hope Arya and the Hound stay together, they make such a good killing team!
Well those are all my thoughts for now. stay tunes for episode two thoughts coming as soon as I get back!
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