Do not read if you haven’t seen the episode!
This episode truly shocked me. So much so that I can actually write about it. So far, bar the episode where Joffery was killed and the opening episode, the majority of the episodes have felt like fillers rather than telling us the story. Which to me is an essential annoyance.
It starts off with Jaime Lannister telling Tyrion what a great speech that was and how it would be talked about for days in one very sarcastic tone of voice. It seems everything comes in three’s in this episode. Tyrion started with Jaime, then Bronn, who both refused to be his champion. Jaime because he couldn’t fight with his left hand and Bronn because Cersi has paid him off by arranging a marriage to a ditsy girl who will inherit a castle – or she will once Bronn dispatches of her older sister. Humour only this character could give as we all still love him the same (at least I think he’s a brilliant character).
Then came the first shocker of this episode for me, Prince Oberyn offering to be Tyrion’s champion. I did get all childlike excited for this as Oberyn has always made it clear he hates the Lannisters and I like Tyrion (little bit worried he would have to fight the mounting himself!). The story he tells of when Tyrion was a baby is slightly tragic, as you can tell from the looks on his face, but necessary for the building up to Oberyn telling Tyrion he will be his champion just to try and kill the man who killed his sister and her children, tugs at the female heart a little! And is it just me or do they both look oddly attractive in the dim light of the cells?
The next shocker for me was Arya. This scene for me was the perfect way to show how far Arya had some, grown and shows that even though the Hound is trying to ransom her, they are in a way friends and protect each other. The Hound shows his nobility by putting a dying man out of his misery after a few lines of conversation, only to be jumped and bitten by, assumingly, the people who burnt the place down. If there were more we don’t see them, as the first man to attack gets his neck broken by the hound and then the second Arya knows. The Hound asks him to say his name and once he has, Arya’s quick hand with needle plunges the tip into the man’s heart. To which the Hound offers a friendly response of “You’re learning.” It did shock me because although I knew Arya wants to kill a bunch of people from her list, it was so fast and shocking that I was taken aback a little.
The bit I didn’t like is the way Jon Snow is treated at the Night’s Watch. His ideas are good and he always gets pushed down. The only reason he was allowed to go was because they thought he wouldn’t come back. Ghost however is a blessing, glad Jon found him. Elsewhere Daenerys shows that she needs Jorah’s advice. My want for them to end up together is now growing, especially seeing Jorahs face after Daario leaves her rooms.
Then the third and final shocker for me comes in two parts. The first I suppose is also two in one, Sansa is out in the snow building winterfell and Robin comes out to see. They start off with a nice conversation then he ruins the tower, she shouts and him and he proceeds to stomp over the entire thing. Sansa then slaps him in the face and he runs off crying. Petyr then appears and after telling Sansa his intentions, as she is so much more attractive than her mother, they kiss while Lysa is watching in the shadows. Lysa then calls Sansa to look at the moon door and threatens to push her down it. Petyr comes to Sansa’s rescue by praying on Lysa’s affections for him, telling her there was only one woman he ever loved – Catlyn – and then pushes her through the moon door. My jaw just dropped at that moment and my mother’s response was “Oh, what a nice man.”
Have you watched this episode? Let me know what you think