I've gone and read another book, I know I read way to much but sometimes the imaginary worlds can be such a better place. Reading is definitely my go to when I'm feeling down, that or a really good film (Pirates of the Caribbean anyone?) However this being said I recently went on to bloggers required and had a little looksie what was on there. Low and behold I found someone wanting me to review their book. Now before I start I just want to make the point that although I've applied, got the book and now writing the review, all words are my own opinions and I am not being paid to say anything.
The Three by Sarah Lotz is possibly the scariest book I have ever read and I;m glad I only did it in one hour intervals, (damn my new schedule). When I started reading it I got totally confused and baffled by what was actually going on and the way it was laid out. It has a passage which is written like the beginning of a story and then moves on into peoples accounts of what happened. Four planes went down all in one day leaving no survivors apart from three children. After that millions of conspiracy theories came out and this book tells you about them all and what happened to the children. There are also parts in the books that follow the children and their families. Some amazing things happen and some down right creepy things happen and honestly I am getting creeped out just writing this and remembering what I read.
After I had read a couple pages (so like a quarter of the book) I found myself getting really into it and wanting to know more, until I hit the passages about the little girl Jess. I'm not going to include any spoilers but just know this book is very interesting to read. I finished it about three days ago now and I still can't decide if it was real or a story.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes these kind of things. Very well portrayed and definitely messes with your mind.
Let me know if you do read it!
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