I'd like to apologise and thank The Creative Geek for tagging/nominating me for this award. I'm SUPER sorry this is so terribly late! As you know I blog in advance and I admit I did totally forget about this but I AM DOING IT.
When I first starting blogging one of the first few posts I saw was on the Liebster Award and I hoped that one day I would be able to do a post like this so THANK YOU SO MUCH CJ! I am so totally grateful and words could not express it.
So first things first here are the rules:
Now it’s my turn to ask you questions and here are the rules.
1. Acknowledge The Blog Who Nominated You And Display The Award
2. Answer The 11 Questions That Were Given To From The Blogger
3. Give 11 Facts About Yourself (I’m doing this in a separate post)
4. Nominate 11 Blogs That You Think Are Deserving Of The Award
5. Let The Bloggers Know That You Have Nominated Them
6. Give Them 11 Questions To Answer
Questions from The Creative Geek:
1. One Piece of Tech that you own you couldn’t live without ?
My MacBook. I use it for everything and it completes me.
2. Favourite item of clothing ?
My Poncho. It 100% better than a onesie and I absolutely love it.
3. What is your number ONE Pet hate/Peeve?
Number one? Gosh thats so difficult! Probably Middle Lane Drivers. Enough Said.
4. What is your favourite food?
Probably pizza but I also love pasta.
5. What is your favorite Fruit?
I don't eat fruit...
6. Facebook Or Twitter?
Ah so hard! Might have to go with Facebook because more people I know have it.
7. What was your latest selfie ?
Me with my amazing birch box goodies. You can see it on my Instagram.
8. Tea or Coffee?
Hot Chocolate.
9. Starbucks or another coffee chain (if other which one)?
I only go to Costa for the Mango Passionfruit Coolers.
10. Are you a christmas or new year person
They're both the same to me - I spend it with family :)
11. If you could collab with another blogger,who would it be and why?
Anyone of the bloggers I tag because they are all awesome.
11 Facts About Me.
1. I used to dance and was a champion dancer before I stopped
2. I dye my hair red
3. I still get my mother to dye my hair
4. I have far to many clothes and not enough storage
5. I love to read
6. I finished my Christmas shopping in October
7. I have two cats
8. I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time this year
9. I am the youngest of three
10. I can't keep my room tidy for more than two days
11. I sleep like a soldier
Nominate Blogs:
I don't know many bloggers so I am only nominating three:
Lovely Chubly, Little Miss Katy, Perks Of Being Amy,
Your question to answer are:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Do you have a niche?
3. What else do you do besides blogging?
4. Favourite current TV shows?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. What foundation do you use?
7. Whats to your left right now?
8. How organised are you?
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would you go?
10. Favourite sweets?
11. Favourite quotes?
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