I started watching Beauty Bloggers about a year and a half ago. Back then I never thought I would have my own blog, let along anyone who reads it. Thank you to those that do. This however is one of the first items I purchased after watching Zoellas everyday make up look video.
Estee Lauder, if you didn't already know, has been a brand my mother had used for nearly thirty years. The double wear powder is just incredible and we have both used it. After breaking up with someone I realised I needed a hobby and decided to "be more girlie" and figure out what the hell to do with make up. That led me to Zoella, and the other YouTuber Communities.
I bought this product before I knew how to do a smokey eye correctly. Two colours are better than three and all that jazz, and honestly this was a perfect starting point. The colour options might not be the best but Raisins is perfect for everyone.
I love the bendablity of these shadows and the pigmentation is wonderful. Although not fully in your face, the colour does hold up a good sparkle. A good sized palette is never a bad thing and taking this around with you is so easy. Not only does it fit perfectly into a makeup bag of any size it also fits in your pocket and clutchs.
I love this and use it almost everyday. I would definitely recommend it to everyone. Have you tried this? Let me know.
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