So finally my good friend has written another post hurrah! Take a look at Lovely Chubly's post here on Feeling Lost.
This pulled at a few heart string for me because I myself am feeling a little lost at the moment. I have never been one to "know" exactly what I want. I chose my GCSE subjects not knowing what I wanted to study, ending up hating a few subjects, I chose my college course on what my grades from school showed, ending up loving that, and then I went to university and everything went downhill from there. Enough of that.
Im here to tell you it's okay to feel a little lost sometimes, hell all the time. We go to school thinking we have all the time in the world and then when we are 14/15 we are expected to choose subjects based on what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Now we all have childhood dreams, mine was to be a dancer, but how many people out there can honestly say they are doing the job they thought they would do when they were a child? Not a lot I can tell you. Sure there are the lucky few, but they are few and far between!
I've always found writing lists help in these situations. So you know what you don't like, well write it down so you can find something that isn't like that. Look everywhere and anywhere, use any asset you have whether that be a person and that person is only known to you because of someone else you know, use them to your advantage. These days its a lot more about who you know than what you know, as long as you have experience. If you don't have experience, try volunteering or ask a parent/sibling/friend if you can shadow them at work just so you can say you had some experience in the working world.
Lately I've felt like I've been stuck in a rut and couldn't get out, but you know what I did? I accepted it and decided to write down steps to achieving what I want and I will be ticking them off as I go.
Well that's just another little ramble from me that I hope you enjoyed. By the time this is posted I will hopefully be fast asleep, (the beauties of timed posts). If you have any issues you want me to talk about please leave a comment below and I will be sure to touch upon them soon!
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