Many of us wish that there were simple answers to beauty, and in my opinion there is. Be confident, love yourself and it doesn't matter how much make up you wear. I am massively lazy (I know shocking) I wish I was more toned, didn't have amazingly red cheeks and un symmetrical eyes but lately I have been trying to find quick fixes to my problem. I don't like getting up in the mornings, as I said lazy, but I also hate doing anything in the mornings, especially make-up. Somedays i rarely bother. Work doesn't need my fresh beautiful face, therefore why should I make an effort? There is no-one to impress and when you work hard, and wear glasses, make-up just doesn't fit. So I use the least amount possible, I use products I do not have to re-apply and I don't wear foundation to work because my glasses leave marks on my nose, no girl needs that mess.
On a normal day, I will wake up, lie in bed and play on my phone and then attempt to get up and get dressed. I may be an early riser but getting out of bed and being awake in bed are totally different things. This is why I shower before I go to bed, every evening a nice relaxing hot shower, perfect. Then comes the beauty stuff, I think I use about 6 things; moisturiser, conceler, eye liner, liquid liner, mascara and lippy. Okay, seven. Here's what I use -
With my naturally dark eyebrows and rosy cheeks, that's all I need. Do you have a lazy make-up day? Let me know what you guys use!
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