Disclaimer: This book is aimed at Adults, if you are under 18 please proceed with caution at language and descriptions used. Please excuse the Image from Amazon, I wasn't sure I was going to get back into book reviews so needed a quick picture. They'll get better I promise!
Description (taken from Goodreads click here): Hannah Torrington lives a perfectly normal and ordinary life until the night her sister is murdered by vampires. Saved by a Lycan named Will and thrust into a world she never knew existed, Hannah is taken to a secret facility that trains men and women to hunt vampires. Determined to take her revenge for her sister’s death, Hannah joins the recruit program. As she is pushed to the brink of physical and mental exhaustion by the intense training, she fights her forbidden attraction to her instructor Will and struggles to adjust to her new life.
Pro's: Good Storyline
Good Characters
Con's: Too Much Sex
My Thoughts: Having Just finished this book and it being fresh in my mind I decided to take a look at other peoples reviews. Most of them, it seems, either lived it or hated it. This book is a little like marmite for me. I was hooked after just reading the blurb/description of the book and wanted to get reading this straight away, being a book blogger we all know how that turned out. A few months later as I had a few days before starting my nest TBR I decided to give this book ago and I have to say I wasn't as disappointed as it seems other people are. Sure the sex scenes are long, descriptive and very in depth but that is to show the passion, lust and love between the protagonist Hannah and the Lycan Will. The story itself was very well written with some awesome kick ass fight scenes along with the standard petty girly hates about others, like Leanne getting jealous about Hannah and Wills relationship when she couldn't have Will - lets be honest girls we have all done something like this!
When Hannah's sister is killed by vampires and she had a chance to avenge her, Hannah throws herself into the training programme and works really hard to get herself as good as the other recruits. I also loved the fact she was the best as fighting with swords. There is nothing I like more than a good sword fight.
If you like vampires, werewolf's and have either watched or read game of thrones this book won't bother you and you'll love the read.
I would give this book 4/5 stars because although this book was awesome and I cannot wait to read the next, for me the sex scenes were a little too long and could be cut down. However, it didn't make it's ay into my heart like so many other books have and for that it doesn't get the 5th star.
Are you going to be giving this a read?
Let me know what you thought!
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