So it's the month of Halloween and I found this Tag online and so I've decided to give it a go. Unfortunately I am unable to find the original site that I googled this tag for but hopefully some of you guys might know and can give them the credit!
What is your favourite Halloween Movie?
I don't know that I've ever watched a halloween specific move as I'm not a horror fan.
1-10 How much do you enjoy Halloween?
5 - I don't usually do anything for Halloween.
What is your fondest Halloween memory?
Probably last year when I actually went out
Have you always been a fan of Halloween?
I've not had a chance to enjoy it but hopefully in the future I can become one!
How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Friends, make-up and costumes
Favourite Halloween decorations?
Never had any!! Whats yours?
Favourite Halloween scent?
There are Halloween scents? Um... does Black Cherry count?
Favourite Candy?
All of them :D
Vampires or Zombies?
Vampires always
What is your weirdest fear?
How do you decide what you are afraid of?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Nope. Never seen one
So thats my answers. Thank you to whoever created this, I am so sorry I can't find the original to give you credit!
I Tag;
Danielle - Lovely Chubly
Amanda - Amandas Escape
and ALL OF YOU readers.
Let me know if you do it!
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