Today I decided to share with you my favourite films. I'm doing a top ten because the list would be endless if I listed them all and since my week off where I watched a lot while I did quite a bit of writing I felt this was an appropriate post to do.
10. The Mummy: This and the second film are such good films. I like films that I can be sucked into and also ones that I can put on in the background while I'm writing.
9. Underworld; Definitely one of my favourite series for Vampires. Next to Blade and Van Helsing these beauties have it all.
8. City of Bones; Hadn't read the books before I watched the film but it definitely got me to buy them afterwards. Happy this this series isn't falling victim to the one trick film pony. We love the first ones but we want the rest of them too!
7. Divergent; I kept putting off reading these books for so long, but I've never been so happy to love a trilogy. It's on my Must Read list that I give to people.
6. V for Vendetta; I watch this movie every year on the 5th of November, I love it and it send out such a message that it stuck with me forever!
5. Vampire Academy; SO upset that frostbite isn't going to be made. Zoey, Lucy, Dominic and Danila make this film amazing. I watched the film before I read the books and after I read the books I got excited at the prospect of watching them all online, but I guess I'll just have to keep re-watching this one.
4. National Treasure; Adventure films that have a touch of history with them always fill me with joy and inspiration. I sometimes wish I could go an adventure like this!
3. The Ugly Truth; A funny feel good romcom film that tells the truth. Can men really disagree with a film where Gerard Butler tells us exactly what a man is thinking? I don't think so!
2. Mask of Zorro; Sword fights, sexy men and a great story. This was one of the first films I can remember watching and I've lived it for about
1. Pirates of the Caribbean; These films will forever be my favourite. There is just something about pirates that inspire and captivate me. Plus Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow - Oh Hello!!
What are your favourite films?
Let me know!
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