Then it came to and end.
ITS THE END OF JUNE - how did this happen? I swear these months just keep getting shorter. Soon it will be christmas and I'll be back into my jeans and jumpers.
June hasn't been an exciting month for me so very few treats for me this week, and there will be nothing new in the next two months as I have put myself on a spending ban. Saving up for a new car and a trip to Florida, although I do have another little haul to post which I haven't had chance to yet!
Make Up Revolution in Heavenly; I have been loving this colour recently. It's a beautiful light shade to be able to put in the corner of your eye for a brightening touch, or an all over light lid colour. I only use two shades so thats perfect for me. It does give a little bit of fall out BUT its the perfect amount and because this is baked and slightly glittery it showers your face in an almost highlighted glow.
Soap and Glory One Heck of a Blot in Translucent; This has been a godsend. I think I might even like this more than my Rimmel one. I have found myself reaching for this perfect setting powder more and more throughout the months.
Stila Eyeliner in Midnight; I've always felt black doesn't sit right on my face, and this has definitely proved it. Browns and dark blues suit my so much better and this is the one. It's perfect and I will no doubt repurchase this over and over again, (possibly with a few more cheeky purchases).
Harry Potter Time Turner; I WENT TO THE STUDIOS!! It was the best day and this is possibly one of the best items from the memorabilia that you can buy. I've paired it with my Pirates of the Caribbean Key. Two favourites together.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Eyeliner in Onyx; I have never used a better pencil eyeliner on my waterline. This smudges but only when you want it.
Carex Moisture Plus; HAND SANITISER AND MOISTURISER - need I say more?
Macadamia Comb; apparently its infused with oil. Whether it is or not I am unsure but this has been a godsend when I comb through my wet hair.
That's all my loves for this month. Care to share yours?