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This is going to be a little personal post with me rambling on about my recent moods.
Recently I’ve been going through the blogger blues and wondering if blogging is really something I should be doing. For days I have bombarded my friends with “this blog is better than mine” “that blog has only been going for 5 months” blah blah blah… Points to my friends for sticking by me through it though I mean really I would not be writing this now if they hadn’t been all “I read your blog” “I like it” “Maybe put more you into it”. They really are my rocks that keep me grounded – as usually they kick me in the teeth when I am being silly.
I’ve always seen myself as a bit of a writer – I love to write so I guess that does make me one. I started this blog because I was inspired by the likes of Zoella, Megan from Wonderful You along with a few others that I stumbled across as either recommendations of friends or flicking between bloggers blog rolls. I also thought maybe it would keep up my creative side and hopefully (with a little bit of encouragement – yes from you reading this) I could grow this into something I can be proud of. It also helps beat writers block – sometimes – as I am currently writing a novel.
At the moment I feel lost with all this talk of niche’s. What even is that?! I just want my blog to be about me. Well not about me, maybe about me, but I want it to be about all the things I like. As Four says in Divergent; “I don’t want to be just one thing. I can’t be. I want to be brave, and I want to be selfless, intelligent and honest and kind.” In that sense for me it’s true. I don’t want to be just one thing, I don’t want to just write about beauty, or books. I want to write about beauty, books, food, health and fitness, days out, places I see, I want to write it all – is there a niche for that? Is it okay to write about everything?
I’ve been struggling with other personal issues too. I’m 21 and I pretty much hate most aspects of my life. Well, maybe hate is a strong word. I severely dislike where I am headed. Since leaving university I’ve been stuck in the “I don’t know what to do with my life” rut. I’m trying out jobs and finding I dislike them but having to stay there because finding a new one is possible one of the most difficult tasks of life. It just makes you feel like crap sometimes. I know we all go through it but I’ve been having this battle for two years now, someone please tell me being a grown up isn’t always like this! How did you find your job? Are you in the same position as me? Please answer those questions – I’d like to know if I’m just having a mid-life freak out or whether other people are going through this too.
Sometimes I look at myself and I am like “Rhianne stop being stupid”. I have the best parents ever, they provide me with all the love and comfort a girl could want. I’ve been taken on some amazing holidays and all in all I’ve been a very lucky girl. So why don’t I feel it? I mean I am being stupid right?
I finally thought STOP. My friends read my blog and like it. Other people read my blog (I am assuming this from statistics that I don’t understand as no-one comments). I have 14 people who decided my blog was good enough to follow on bloglovin’. All these things are achievements I should be proud of. So I should definitely stop freaking out. Sometimes it takes longer to get noticed – right?
I also did a little research and found two posts that really lifted that heavy weight I had applied on myself. Hayley from London Beauty Queen write a fantastic Blogger 101 series and you can find my favourite ones here, here and here. Then there is Em from My Pale Skin and you can find that post here.
These posts have really helped me get over the blogger blues, I still need to work on jumping the hurdle that is my career rut but let’s save that for another day.
So with that in mind I would like you ask you three simple questions to comment answers with;
1. How do you think I can improve my blog?
2. Have you ever had a freak out about things?
3. What things keep you focused and motivated?
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