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Photo from http://wwp.university-uk.com |
There have been loads of videos and blog posts on university about people who have or haven’t gone and offering advice to those in need. I’ve read a couple, watched a few and I’ve finally thought – I should share my experience too.
Here’s links to the best video/blog posts that I feel wrap up this subject to a T; Luce from Bonjour Luce and Suzie from Hello October.
I have never known what I want to do – I still don’t, not really. I didn’t get great GCSE’s but it was enough to get into college. I chose Science because it was my highest grade and it was something I could do. After two years in college and finishing my BTEC with DDD I decided (or was influenced) to go to university. I applied for the maximum amount of universities and got unconditional offers and when the time came I got into Plymouth University.
I left home all excited that I was growing up and moving away, I logged onto Facebook and tried to find people who were in my flat and got myself down to Plymouth. The day after I moved in my niece was born and I felt a twang in my heart that I wasn’t going to get to watch her grow up as I did with my nephew – but that was okay because I was getting on with my life and visits would be extra special! I didn’t get homesick but I did have a rough start to Uni. Eventually I moved out of my flat and into another. I was scared and alone and living within the confines of a room and a bathroom - not exactly the best way to start a new adventure. The people who work within the flat system, along with the university were very helpful, but I did cry a lot and if I hadn’t told them things wouldn’t have gotten better. So I’m glad I did. After moving into the second flat, I had a better start with the students who already lived there and joined in more with university festivities. I went out, I joined societies and had a blast – but there was something still missing.
I came home for Easter and decided that university was not for me and after I finished my first year I wouldn’t go back – unfortunately that plan didn’t happen either. I fell ill and never took my exams. I spent three weeks living in the bathroom with tonsillitis, laryngitis and other problems which meant the toilet was my best friend for those three weeks. I didn’t return to university, I took an apprenticeship and now I’m in another job – still unsure what I want to do but that’s perfectly fine. After all I’m only 21.
My only regret about not staying at university is losing the friends that I made in that first year – and yes guys I do still think about you all! Sometimes I even chime in a little thought on their status’ with a comment or like. They’re all doing so well now and I couldn’t be happier for them!
It doesn’t matter whether you go to university or not, you do what is best for you. If it’s university then go and have a blast, if it’s not then don’t feel like you have to – unless you want to be a lawyer or doctor [I’m pretty sure they need degrees].
I have recently started a home study course and although I’m only on the first assignment I feel this is the right way for me to go, along with keeping up my blog and working full time. I might not be living the dream just yet but with a bit of hard work I’ll get there! And you will too! So even though sometimes we feel nothing is going our way, or we don’t know which road to take look inside and stop listening to others – do what’s best for you!
If you ever need advice you can always drop me an email and I will reply with my honest opinion and as much advice as I can – I’m no expert you know! I hope this post gives you that 20 seconds of courage you need to make the decision for yourself and see where life takes you, and remember you can always change your mind.
Give me a bell!
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