Since I started blogging, and openly speaking about the book I've been writing for 3 years I've met a few people on Twitter and honestly they're a pretty cool bunch of people, and sometimes we have conversations that just make me think - Hey, these people are awesome and I'd like to meet them to see if we'd be exactly the same IRL as on Twitter/E-mail.
So here's four people I'd like to meet and why:
Jenny - She has a book blog called Jenny In Neverland where she writes reviews, does Q&A's with Authors and does Blog Tours. She's pretty awesome and I suppose we've been in contact a few times, usually to do with participating in the Tours but recently on Twitter we've been having a few conversations that seem a little more friendly than professional. She may be a Slytherin but this Hufflepuff doesnt judge and Jenny is definitely someone I'd like to meet in the future.
Lynsey - You can find her on her blog self titled Lynsey James, or you can read her author bio to get to know a bit more about her. I only recently started speaking to this lovely lady after finding a tweet about her new book, Just The Way You Are, which I am currently reading. I am absolutely in love with Max, and I want him to be real. I also love our Twitter conversations.
Laura - Laura is probably one of the bravest, most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She's a writer and her work always gives me the feels. You can relate to her, you can wish to be like her and honestly she has a beautiful soul, plus her travel pictures are astounding. You can find her over on superlativelyrude, or thought catalog, or even twitter and Facebook! She's truly inspirational and you need to read her work. I also need to meet this lovely lady!
Becca - New to my Twitter I have found her tweets to be, inspiring in so many ways. They inspire me to write, to laugh, and to be jealous. How this girl writes 6K words in a day is astounding and honestly I want this ability. Except I work 12 hours a day and spend 15 hours out the house. I also like my sleep so to me this girl is a wonder woman. I need to meet her.
Megan - This girl is a-ma-zing. She's sassy, she's beautiful and she's kind. All the things I love in a person. She has a blog, which is always full of pretty clothes, wonderful photos and some lifestyle thrown in to boot. I have found myself becoming proud of her even thought we have never met, I am concerned when I haven't seen a tweet for a few days, weird I know, but I can't help but thin that if we met we'd be good friends. And if I can't I'll just appease myself with her book blog.
Right now, those are the four people I want to meet. I'm sure there will be more but these four gals are brilliant and I thought you guys should know.
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