...but I am attempting to write more. As you know a couple months back (except my shceduled posts) I hit the bloggers block hard and I haven't really written anything for at least 6 weeks straight for the blog. My novel writing has however increased but not as much as I would have liked.
I feel like my entire blog is changing. The way I write, the way I want to get my point, opinions, and voice across to you guys. I don't want to be one of these bloggers who posts as much as I used to, five blog posts a week was far too stressful on my little brain.
I only have one problem at the moment and thats the fact that I have severely lost my blogging mojo. It's like coming to a blank canvas unprepared and then walking away because there's nothing you can do to make the blank canvas full. I am in need of some serious help.
So I am here today to let you know I'm trying to write more, but so far I'm only managing about 100 words a session for my books, and it's taken me five weeks to write this post. Yes you read that right 5 weeks.
You guys got any tips for me? I could use them!
Leave them in the comments if you do
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