How it is mid-july already I do not know. This year is flying by and I feel like I have achieved next to nothing. I've given up my 63 thousand word manuscript, I got to 38K on my second manuscript, I started a new job in January and I've read some pretty awesome books but when it comes to summer, although loving the fact there is no rain, there are a few things I absolutely hate about this season.
1. Humidity - Not only does humidity mess with my already unruly hair, it makes it balloon out like a lions mane and it becomes so incredibly untameable that I end up just throwing it up in a pony or a bun to keep it far out of my way. This not only annoys me but brings my confidence levels down because I do not look good with all my hair pushed back. Humidity also makes it very uncomfortable to sleep at night, sticky clammy skin is not good in any situation.
2. Bugs - Flying Ants, Bee's, Flies, Wasps, you name it they are out in full force along with the sun. I HATE bugs of any kind, and they always seem to know this and will not leave me alone ever. Especially Mosquitos, the amount of bites I've had from these past few weeks of glorious sunshine is uncountable.
3. Clothes - Just wait and here me out on this one. I'm not saying I hate summer clothes, I actually quite like some of the recent little dresses that have come out, but some people just take it too far. People seem to think just because the sun is out its acceptable to take their tops off, wear skimpier clothes than normal that leave nothing to the imagination and not dress for their body shape. It's just not pleasant.
4. Capacity - I've come to the conclusion that living where I live (near a beach) is not the best place to be when it comes to the sun. As soon as there is sun where I live masses of people travel to my town to sit on the beach and drink in the pubs. I dislike places that are too-crowded because I am inpatient and cannot stand; slow walkers, traffic jams, constant screaming, drunken stupidity and ill-mannered people. Not that every one is like that but it seems they become the majority on a sunny saturday afternoon.
5. Holiday Prices - I get that June, July and August are the busiest months and so the airlines and travel companies think they can put the prices up, but it's unfair for people who have kids to be objected to paying more just because it's "peak season". I don't even have children yet but this already annoys me!
What do you hate about the summer season? Let me know!
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