Seems lately my writing time has been cut short. Again trying to fit everything into the short space of time I have outside of work is causing to be a problem. Never the less I am aiming for four posts a month, hopefully you'll get more but I am making no promises! Sorry guys.
Anyway, seeing as I have such little time anything that saves me those precious few minutes is a god send. Which is exactly what these little things do. Plus with the weather hopefully turning more heated these cold cloths are exactly what you need.
All you have to do with these is slosh them under the tap and rub on your face. They are pre-soaped so that as soon as it comes in contact with water it foams up and gently washes away any dirt, make-up and other nasties from the face giving it a pre-clense.
I used these while I was on holiday and with the little amount of make up I wore I found I only needed to use this before going to bed, no need for much else. Although some nights my mascara needed an extra helping hand to be removed.
The Olay cloths dont really have a scent and they are soft to the skin so no need to worry about irritations.
My only downside with these is they soap up a lot and getting it in your eye isn't advisable.
Have you tried these? Let me know!
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