Monday, 31 August 2015
Haul | Boots Beauty Products
Don't be fooled by the title this haul is not boots own products, just beauty products I've bought from boots. Ever since I got back into blogging and youtube watching I have been wanting to go on a spending spree - it's definitely the reason I am broke. I noticed that not watching videos of new products stopped me from buying so much. I was so frugal before!
Friday, 28 August 2015
Book Review | Just The Way You Are by Lynsey James
Social Media is a wonderful tool. One minute you'll be reading about a horrible tragedy, the next your bombarded with beautiful book covers. That is how I found this book. Plus the review on Jenny In Neverlands Blog, it was hard not to want to snap this up immediately. Which is what I inevitably did.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Four Things Tag
Just like Jenny, I've been majorly stuck for blog post ideas. So stuck this one doesn't even get a photo! However, I've still got a few book reviews to write but for anything else my mind is completely blank, and I like to mix it up for you guys. So I stole her stolen idea of this tag. You can read hers here, and the one she stole here.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Book Review | Unmarked by Kami Garcia
Being an avid reader it doesnt take a lot for me to become hooked with a series, as long as I like it. With Kami's books although it took me a while to get around to reading, finding time after starting a new job with more hours is more difficult than you think, I have fallen for Kennedy and she is the reason I keep coming back. Good characters, story, cover and description and you have me wanting another sequel all the time.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Response | Unrequited Love - My Letter to Laura
I don't think I have ever had a reason to write anything like this before until now. To understand this post you'll probably want to head over to superlatively rude and read Laura's, it's amazing and you won't regret it. Laura Williams you are a star and this is my letter to you;
Oh Laura, I feel like all my e-mails to you start like this. You don't mind right?
I totally get how you feel in your post Unrequited Love, in fact it was because of your amazing ability to write and connect that I wrote my own few posts under the title The Heart Monologues. It was hard and I was scared, but seeing as I'm not a "well known" or have a big following - no one commented, no one judged and I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. So firstly, I want to thank you for that, secondly I want to tell you about my HUGE accomplishment with my best friend/love of my life/I now dislike him.
Monday, 17 August 2015
Life | Demanding My Apology
There are a few times where I read Laura's work and think that doesn't fit with my life. I don't need to ask anyone for an apology. Then I was thinking about it and I guess maybe the people who used to bully me in school but then I thought, nah we were kids so I'm sure they've all grown up by now.
Long story short, I concluded to myself that no-one in my life, good friend or not, needed to apologies to me. Then I met probably the most horrible person I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Book Review | Jinxed By Donna Augustine
I love a good book series so when Karma finished and there was still more of the story to go I was so happy that Jinxed was out. While I like standalone books, sometimes you need a series so you don't have to let go of the characters just yet - HP feels anyone?
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Blog Tour | Undone by His Kiss by Anabelle Bryant
So as I am doing a lot of blog tours I thought I would mix it up a bit. Today I have an excerpt from Anabelle Bryants new book Undone By His Kiss and I have to say this is amazing! While normally you'd get one long section this time you have two small ones and it's definitely the way to whet your appetite for this book!
Here's a little bit to make you want to read more:
Blurb: A most delicious challenge…
Experience has taught Emily Shaw that men are best avoided, so she’s determined to take her place in society alone and unrestrained by marriage. Renting a room in the heart of London, she establishes a Women’s League to promote equality between the sexes and teach women to be independent.
Jasper St David isn’t looking for distractions, but he’s fascinated by beautiful, fiercely opinionated Emily when she moves into the office above his. And when he learns of her determination never to succumb to male charms, he can’t help but see it as a challenge! After all, Jasper’s always found nothing more tantalising than the thrill of the chase…
Monday, 10 August 2015
Under Inspection | Naked On The Run
I was lucky enough to receive this from one of my friends for christmas/birthday back earlier in the year and I have to say I was so excited and taken a back that I actually got it. After seeing this advertised I knew this would be a perfect travel companion.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Book Review | The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
I had been out of the reading game for a few years before I was lured back into it by the book bloggers and book tubers. The Mortal Instruments were some of the first books I started to read after my three year stint of not reading at all. Now I have a kindle bursting with books and a book shelf with no space on it.
Monday, 3 August 2015
An Interview With... Jenny In Neverland

So if you've been following twitter you'll see that recently I've been wanting to do some Q&A posts and a while back I had this Idea to start a series and do "An Interview With" as it never really took off I put it aside but decided it was worth getting back out of the old closet and trying again. With that here is the first post in a new series! Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Blog Tour | Swords Around The Throne by Ian Ross Q&A
Again I have the amazing opportunity to take part in another Blog Tour hosted by the lovely Jenny In Neverland. I tried to read the book but unfortunately I was working non-stop and didn't have time to read the book so I decided to ask some questions as getting inside the mind of an author is always interesting to me.
I was going through a bit of a writers block phase (sensing a theme lately?) and only thought up four questions but with the in depth answers I think you'll all be completely satisfied with the answers. I know I was!
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