There are a few times where I read Laura's work and think that doesn't fit with my life. I don't need to ask anyone for an apology. Then I was thinking about it and I guess maybe the people who used to bully me in school but then I thought, nah we were kids so I'm sure they've all grown up by now.
Long story short, I concluded to myself that no-one in my life, good friend or not, needed to apologies to me. Then I met probably the most horrible person I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.
This young lady, happened to be a customer so this happened while I was at work and of course at work you have to be professional and not retaliate. So let me set the scene for you.
To begin I just thought she was in a rush, I'm sat behind my desk waiting for a customer to come in, this girl opens the door, dumps her keys on the desk and says I'll be back at one. Normally I would get a conversation and at least the registration of the car but I had to figure that one out for myself. As she reaches the door she said "Oh you need my number" and then proceeded to roll it off for me before disappearing.
While her car is being serviced the technician tells me that it needs rear brake pads. I get the prices and phone her up to see if it's okay to proceed. The customer said she had a bad signal, then I asked if she could hear me, told her she needed brake pads asked her if she wanted the price to which she refused and told me to go ahead. So thinking it was okay I went ahead.
Customer comes back and I get up, smile, tell her how much the bill is and thats where it all goes wrong. She refuses to pay, I explain company policy means I cannot hand her the keys unless the bill is paid or management authorises it so my colleague goes and gets our manager.
To cut to the chase, I left her in the capable hands with my manager, she accused two of my colleagues of slamming doors in her face and stole my keys.
I was unaware of the fact she had my keys for about two hours. I was frantic and I grew more upset and angry as the time went on. I text my manager who was currently in the general managers office with her but got no response. In fact I worked myself up so much I ended up in tears as the cars in my dads name and there were some expensive things in there.
Her friend simply sat in the car with her unruly children and did nothing but stare. It later transpired that she had taken my keys as leverage to not pay her bill and get her own keys back. Needless to say it worked, although I had already called my mother to tell her my keys were missing. The customer was also very rude when I was calling my mother to tell her the little thief had given my keys back.
However, it wasn't until I was sat thinking about Laura and her words. So I went back through my e-mails and found one written by Laura about when a yoga teacher told her to "lose the weight" and she told him to apologise. Which he did. So mustering some sort of courage I asked my Manager if it would be okay when she comes back in on Monday if I ask her for an apology.
I will do it, if she shows her face. Because I deserve it. I was just doing my job and she stole my keys, making me a victim for her own agenda.
So thank you Laura for inspiring me to demand my own apology, where I would normally not, and for letting me use one of your photos! If none of you know her then head on over to because she's just incredible.
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