One thing I love about Holidays is the 7 days I get to just read. I catch up on so much from my TBR -mainly from my kindle. They're so handy to take on holiday. So today is a post where I recommend 5 books I think you should be taking away with you the next holiday you have and enjoying a nice light(ish) read while you're led by the pool relaxing. Not thinking about work or any form of blogging/writing you need to be doing.
Okay I totally lied these aren't going to be easy reads - they just are to me because I will be so engrossed in reading I'll need more to read. Free Wifi please?
1. Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
I absolutely loved this book and although I keep pushing Salt & Stone further and further back in my TBR pile, I definitely am ready to continue this series. I need to know what happens. A bit Hunger Game like but still original none the less.
2. Storm Siren by Mary Webber
Not a book I have read but definitely on my TBR for my holiday session. I'm aiming for at least one book a day so thats 7 books, plus the plane so maybe 9? I'll aim for 9. Look out for the review soon!
3. The Lie by C.L. Taylor
Another book I've not read but after reading the blurb and reading some fantastic reviews I needed to get my mitts on this. Probably read this on the plane over. I can read 100 pages in an hour on a good day.
4. Unbreakable by Kami Garcia
Ghosts aren't usually my thing but this kinda made them my thing. Awesome story with a great set of characters and a need to read more. Perfection.
5. Just The Way You Are by Lynsey James
Okay here's the easy read I promised you. Get your hands on this book and read it. I loved this book, however predictable the ending may have been.
What books are you taking on holiday? Let me know!
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