After seeing this on Jenny In Neverlands blog, it took me approximately two seconds to decide I wanted to give this ago too. Just like Jenny I am a book nerd but also a HUGE disney fan. I'm still trying to convince my boyfriend to take a trip to florida, so naturally this TAG would have definitely appealed to me.
Like Disney and Books too? Why not do the tag yourself? Let me know if you do!
This post does contain book spoilers - read at your own risk.
1) The Little Mermaid: A character who is out of their element. A ‘fish out of water’
Divergent: Tris
I always felt Tris was out of her element during the most of Divergent. Then she met Four and became motivated, she ended up fitting in so it was exactly where she needed to be. However I also think she would have had a good life as an Abnegation.
2) Cinderella: A character that goes through a major transformation
The Recruit: Hannah lost a lot of weight and turned into a werewolf. Can you get a bigger transformation than that?
3) Sleeping Beauty: A book that put you to sleep
The Husbands Secret: I didn't enjoy this book. I wanted to try some new genres and this book is so highly talked about I just couldnt get into it. I did finish the book but it took me a long time.
4) The Lion King: A character that had something traumatic happen to them in childhood
The Blast: Beatrice
She shot someone at 12. How much more traumatic can you get?
5) Beauty and the Beast: A beast of a book that you were intimidated by but found to be beautiful
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: When I knew my brother had waiting outside Tesco for the midnight opening to buy me this book I was so excited to read it. Then I found out it was bugger than all the first four put together I was dreading reading this book - but it's just as utterly fantastic as the rest.
6) Aladdin: A character that gets their wish granted, for better or for worse
Thief Scarab Beetle Series: Kayli wanted to get away from her drunk of a father and make a better life for her and her brother. When pickpocketing gives her the chance at that she takes it and gets more than she bargained for.
7) Mulan: A character who pretends to be someone or something they’re not
I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You: Cammie pretends she isn't a student at a spy school and tries to have a normal boyfriend.
8) Toy Story: A book with characters you wish would come to life
Inkheart: I loved this story and if I could have the power to bring book characters to life, I'd definitely read aloud only rarely. Sorry Miss I have no voice.
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