Sunday, 28 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Yearly Favourites 2014
With only a few more days left of the year I thought it was about time I stuck this post up on my blog. There aren't many products in this as honestly there aren't many products that I am super crazy about so it's hard. Nothing I currently own is anything I could or would use forever but these products come pretty close!
Saturday, 27 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Plymouth Photo Shoot | Melissa
Here it is, the penultimate Plymouth Photo Shoot post. I didn't realise I could split them into so many but I have an I am glad I got to showcase some beautiful make-up looks and my hand as photography.
I'm not going to write a lot in this post as it'll just be the same as the other posts which you can see here: Nina, Diana, Pt. One + Diana Pt. 2.
Friday, 26 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Taylor Swift 1989 Tag.
I found this tag post over on Little Miss Katy and like her I am definitely a Swiftie. Ever since I was perusing YouTube and came across Our Song, this icon of mine has taken me by storm and I fall in love with her music every time I hear one of her songs.
I even bought Speak Now and Red from her website and got them shipped from America so I could have the extras!
Thursday, 25 December 2014
BLOGMAS: It's Christmas!
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Christmas is a time for spending it will family, putting aside any arguments and enjoying a day. Along with stuffing yourself with lots of food!
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
BLOGMAS: A Little Love
The Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. - See more at:
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
BLOGMAS: The Christmas Tag
It's December, which in my book means it's entirely acceptable to talk about christmas! What better way to start than with this tag I found from Thumbelina Lillie's blog called The Christmas Tag.
Monday, 22 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Under Inspection | Wet'n'Wild Eyeshadow Pallette
One of the many brands I didn't know about until I started looking into the beauty blogging world and found out about so many new products and brands. The sheer amount of it all still astounds me. This is one of those items. Not only did I not know about Wet'n'Wild I also didn't know that it was an American Drugstore brand of make up - the internet is a wonderful place isn't it!
Sunday, 21 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Christmas Television
One of my favourite things about Christmas day is sitting down with the family watching all the special episodes. This post is just to let you know what I'll be watching Christmas afternoon with my family.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
BLOGMAS: BandAid: The Debate
Since it’s been out for a while now I feel it’s a good thing to bring up. Band Aid is one of the most successful Christmas songs out there. It has been remade twice and the song has been filling our hearts and our heads for 30 years. 30 years, that’s a long time. I really like this song and personally it’s one of my favourites as seen in my top ten Christmas songs post but one Sunday I came down the stairs and my Dad had on one of those Sunday politics shows which brings up questions and has people argue their opinions on them
Normally I absolutely hate these shows but the subject matter was Band Aid 30, Ebola and Africa. It had me intrigued and so my mother and I listened to what was being said and told each other our own opinions.
Friday, 19 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Hey It's Okay... I Suffer With My Stomach Too
Everyone has suffered with it, and it's a very comment ailment that honestly can be cured pretty simply. Originally I thought it was what I ate or something hereditary as my father suffers with serious bad stomachs but the doctor told him it wasn't and so it all came back to me.
IBS comes in different forms and anyone can suffer with it. It can be stress related, food related or even just life related. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that has triggered it but sometimes people suffer with it and don't do anything to help them control it
Thursday, 18 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Book Review | Shattered by Teri Terry
Another week another book review. I am on fire these past few months with all my reading habits. I think I am reading one a week! Well okay maybe more than that as I am planning these in advance!
Click read more to find out my thoughts on Shattered by Teri Terry.
BLOGMAS: Book Review | Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
When I first started reading the Bloodlines series I wasn't sure what to expect. Vampire Academy set the bar pretty high when it comes to that world that I went into it will very little hope or expectations. The first and the second books were almost as good as Vampire Academy and I Flew through Indigo Spell. Although I was very disappointed with it.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Mini Beauty Haul
If you are an avid reader of my blog you may know I like to shop. I mainly window shop but sometimes I do indulge in a few purchases for myself - which my bank balance doesn't like me for but sometimes you just need new things.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
BLOGMAS: December Birchbox
The first thing I said when I opened this box was "Oh my god it's beautiful. I'm keeping the box." Who the hell needs a box? I have no idea what I will use it for, someone will probably get it for Christmas next year, but it's pretty and I want to keep it.
Monday, 15 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Under Inspection | Sleek Contoring and Blush Pallette
After a massive breakdown, a hard drive dying and jumping on my parents as they got home I finally have the good camera back. God am I glad! So are my friends.
However, the three hours I spent re-taking 347 pictures was not fun.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Stur! Review
Twitter is a wonderful place. I have been able to ask for some goodies when a few of the people I follow but a shout out for them. Unfortunately I don’t get all of them but I did get a chance to review some things from Stur! I hadn’t heard of the brand before and I was really looking forward to having a taste.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Make Up Look | Christmas Party Edition
It's not very often I brave the internet and post images of my face with various amounts of make up on but as it's Christmas soon and a lot of you will be going out for parties on the weekends I thought I would stop being scared and go for it. I know I've done them before but honestly I wasn't confident with them and I am still not.
Disclaimer: My friend is amazing and she's a make-up artist. This post is to show you a look we created not a tutorial on how to do this.
Friday, 12 December 2014
BLOGMAS: December Christmas Wishlist
Dear Family,
If you are reading this and fancy getting me one last Christmas present, pick one from the picture below and I will love you forever.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Disqus Commenting System | An Apology
Normally I’m not one for apologising on my blog. I don’t think
bloggers/vloggers/youtubers should ever apologise for not posting or feeling
unwell or their internet uploading slowly. It’s just not something that should
be apologised for, in my opinion, and yet today here I am with an apology of my
It’s not because I won’t be posting or posts will be slower –
it’s nothing like that but it is something I am not happy about and therefore I’m
going to set up another little thing I do, and tell you all so you’re not
disappointed. If you read and comment on my blog that is.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Top Ten | Christmas Songs
Next year I won't have any christmas blog posts to do! If you have any ideas leave them in the comments below and let me know what you'd like to see!
The year has definitely gone far too fast for me and I cannot believe that in less than a month I will be 22. 22! It's ridiculous!
In light of this I thought I would share my top favourite christmas songs with you.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Bedside Beauty
As most of you are probably aware I am the laziest person in the universe. I will do anything that means a quick and easy morning routine.
I'm even attempting to add a little workout - I'll let you know how (badly) that's going soon!
Monday, 8 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Under Inspection | Bourjois Bronzer Powder
One thing I have never known how to use properly is bronzer. I use to look at it and be like 'why would anyone want to look orange?' Then I realised that people were just using the wrong colours for their skin...
Sunday, 7 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Liebster Award
I'd like to apologise and thank The Creative Geek for tagging/nominating me for this award. I'm SUPER sorry this is so terribly late! As you know I blog in advance and I admit I did totally forget about this but I AM DOING IT.
When I first starting blogging one of the first few posts I saw was on the Liebster Award and I hoped that one day I would be able to do a post like this so THANK YOU SO MUCH CJ! I am so totally grateful and words could not express it.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
BLOGMAS: First Look | Milani Bella Eyeshadows
It's not very often that I buy enough items in a collection to actually write a post before I've had a chance to try them. However, this one is certainly an exception.
These eyeshadows are from the new collection in Milani called Bella. They come in twelve different colours and all of them are beautiful.
Friday, 5 December 2014
BLOGMAS: What I Want To See This Month
Tv and Film have been pushed aside in my life recently but there are a few films coming out this months that are worth the time to go and see.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Book Review | Four A Divergent Collection by Veronica Roth
By now everyone should have read or seen Divergent - if you haven't you really should because these stories are incredible. There are, as in all books, sections of both the film and the books that I dislike but thats for another blog post.
I had said I wasn't going to get this book purely because I didn't think it was necessary but boy was i wrong!
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Well we are on the last books of the year! Where did that time go? I still think I'm turning 21 in January not 22!
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Intro and My Inspirations
Usually all the YouTubers do Vlogmas, however, I'm not that comfortable with a camera yet and so I've decided to do BLOGmas. I'll be blogging every day throughout the month of December up until Christmas. Then I'll be taking a week long break and so my last blog post of the year will be 28th December and I will restart blogging on 5th January - everyone needs a break right?
What better way to start than with the people who inspire me.
It’s not very often I look to other people – but we all have role models and every writer, artist or YouTuber needs their inspiration. Whether they’re a celebrity or not if you feel inspired by them, well they probably are your role models and the people you want to most be like. However you need to stay away from that, let them inspire you by all means but don’t aspire to be just like them, stay yourself and let them influence things you do but don’t change a thing about yourself. Your prefect.
Monday, 1 December 2014
BLOGMAS: Under Inspection | Maybelline Gel Eyeliner
It's not often I wear eyeliner and when I do I get it applied by my favourite and talented make-up artist friend Amy. She's a god. No matter how many times I attempt it, I just can't get it right.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Monthly Favourites | November 2014
OH MY GOD ITS NEARLY DECEMBER. Can you believe it? But here's what I've been loving in the month of November.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
My Picks | Berry Lips
First of all, you will probably notice a few changed to the pictures in the next months posts. This is because my father and I share a camera which he decided to take on his holiday leaving me to use my less adept camera. I've tried editing them so they look alright, but I'm well aware they aren't up to the usual standard. Plus I schedule posts in advance, the good pictures will be back shortly - do not fret!
Sine the beginning of Autumn or Fall all I have heard from the beauty YouTubers and Bloggers are berry lips. So here are my picks for berry lips which I use all through the year.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Under Inspection | Loreal Micellar Solution
During my early days into the blogging world I heard a lot about Micellar Waters - the most raved about being Bioderma. I would never had thought to purchase anything like this if it hadnt been for the beauty YouTubers and Bloggers out there, so I'd just like to thank them for the fact I still have eyelashes. Make Up wipes do not remove all your make up, but this can.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Mini Book Haul
The other day I stumbled into Waterstones. Thats a lie, I walked in with the intention of just seeing what books were around and to see if there were any that took my fancy - THEN I saw buy one get one half price.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Book Review | The Immortal Crown by Richelle Mead
One day I won't have any of her books left to read... Probably wot happen as she is writing more by the day and I haven't even read her beginning series yet! Have you read them?
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Hey it's Okay... I Get Stressed Too
Recently I have been having a lot of stressful days. I come home from work unmotivated, I'm lazy and quite frankly I don't want to do anything but sleep away the stresses of the day. I had writers block and then it hit me - a friend once told me to write something more personal so here is something a little more personal.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Birch Box | November 2014
This week I thought I would do my Birchbox post a little differently. With NaNoWriMo on the go I am feeling very creative and I thought I would roll with it and let it take me where it may.
Today marks 11 whole months of Birchbox and Mine's relationship. While it had been rocky with its ups and down this month it had really impressed me.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Under Inspection | No7 Hot Cloth Cleanser
I had never thought about using a cleanser to remove my make-up before, but then I watched Zoella's vlog where she told Gabby how quick and easy it was. This appealed to my lazy side and so I decided to give it a go. Not wanting to spend too much money on a high end one I headed over to No7 and picked up this beauty for £9.95.
Friday, 14 November 2014
Wishlist | November
How is it November already? We are so far in that it'll be next year far too soon! Anyone else feel this year is going past too quickly? I feel like I've done nothing this year, but here we are again with another wishlist.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Top Ten TV Shows
This month I am sharing my favourite TV shows. With all my hobbies and courses that I'm doing it's nice to have something on in the background. Not that I don't get distracted I do, and somehow I still manage to run a blog pretty successfully, plan posts in advance, do home learning and work full time. It's a miracle - which will end when everyone comes back from University at Christmas!
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Plymouth Photo Shoot | Diana Part 2
Hopefully I didn't leave too long in between these posts as there are two more to come! However, here is part two of Diana's time on the shoot.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Under Inspection | Estee Lauder Brush Cleaner
Something a little different on the blog today - not just make up! Us beauty lovers needs tools too. This brush cleaner seems to be the best one I've come across.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Not Your Usual Blog Post #2 | Alfie Deyes Vlog - 6th November 2014
I have been waiting for something like this ever since I wrote about Chloe Hamilton slandering Zoe/Zoella in her writing. Honestly I never thought I would get the chance to write another one of these Blog Posts here we are again. As you can tell from the recycled top image I was not prepared for this.
As a subscriber to BOTH Zoe and Alfie I feel, as well as the Human Rights Act, I am allowed to speak my opinion and voice my concerns.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
November TBR
November is all about the blue books. I did not intend for this to be but somehow all the books I have chosen have blue covers.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
My Good Day
When I go into a shop normally I am severely disappointed by the people who work there. People don’t seem to have that ‘charm’ about them anymore they just exist, they just work. I’ve been in Tesco buying food and although it’s not the most exciting place to work if I have the entire checkout full of groceries I expect some sort of human interaction. Nothing too deep or personal. Just a chat, a good old honest chat. Say hello and see what happens, tell me to have a good day after I have paid – don’t sit there in silence and throw my receipts at me!
Monday, 3 November 2014
Under Inspection | Max Factor Colour Elixir Lip Liner
These little beauties have captivated and enhanced my lips in so many ways. Plus they come in a range of colours which can go with any lip colour you choose.
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