Pets become part of the family and a loss of one is felt as if you had lost your best friend. Sometimes it is losing your best friend, for me it was anyway. Dogs, cats, hamsters, whatever pet you have, the love you feel and the hurt and sadness that comes with the loss can tear like any other loss.
My own loss came at a point in my childhood where I felt alone. For Christmas I asked for kittens, not thinking I would ever get any because my dad had previously said that he wouldn't get another one after our last cat died. Sparkey was 27 when she ventured out of the garden to find somewhere quiet to die.
To my amazement one morning while I was off school sick, both my parents came into my bedroom at about 5am and plonked two adorable kittens onto my bed. One pure white with blue eyes and one tabby with yellow eyes, both the cutest things I have ever seen.
Over the next to years I grew to love both of the cats, but as cats choose their own persons, Bruno was classed as my cat and he even slept on my bed and waited for me outside the front door for me to come home from school.
I really wish my old laptop worked properly so I could show you some pictures of Bruno, Calypso and Lily. All three of them were beautiful and had their own unique loveable personality and yet all three of them were hit by cars.
Bruno drew his last breath as the people who hit him took him to the vets, Calypso was hit twice, once she survived and broke her pelvis, the second she sadly didn't survive and Lily was hit in the head. We tried to keep her alive but she had lost all of who she was and so my mother, as Lily decided she was my mums cat, decided to have her put down.
I cried for three days when Bruno died. Calypso was so soon after him that I was still mourning, and so mourned for them both and I cried, and comforted my mum when Lily was put down.
The feeling of loss never goes away but the longer you go without them the easier it becomes. I still feel the loss of all of them to this day but I have two adorable kittens who remind me why I loved all of them.
You can never replace a pet because you'll always love them but a new pet can remind you to love again.
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