My mother had all four of hers taken out before they were even formed mine were taken out with a two year gap. Wisdom Teeth are possibly the most unpredictable parts of our bodies. They can grow at any time, they can be painful - or not in some cases, and they are a bugger.
For me, all four of mine were impacted and I had to go to the Dental Hospital twice, once for my right two and then two years later for my left.
I want to write about my experience because I know a lot of people dislike going to the dentist and I just want to let you know that it isn't that bad.
It all started with some slight pain and discomfort on my right side. I went to the dentist twice and had to have antibiotics twice then the third time he referred me to the Dental Hospital to have them removed.
From here you'll be seen twice. Initially you'll get an appointment which will be similar to a routine dental appointment. A consultant will sit you in a chair look inside your mouth and send you for an x-ray. Expect to be waiting around between 30 mins to an hour depending on the day you go. Once you have your x-ray you'll be called back in, shown the x-ray and then the consultant will discuss options with you.
I chose the sedation route because I did not want to be aware of them cutting my wisdom teeth out of my jaw - just no. So sedation it was.
The sedation process is really easy in itself as you don't really have to do anything. Once you're called into the room you are sat in a chair and read some terms and sign a consent form once they explain whats going to happen, than the hard part starts. At least it was hard for me. Unfortunately I am someone whose veins don't like to show themselves so it took about ten minutes for them to insert the caffater into my hand to start the sedation. I'm not entirely sure what the substance is but it feels like it knocks you out as you'll remember hardly anything.
When you come round you'll be groggy, probably a little chilly and possibly a bit emotional. I cried on my second trip and I was led in a bed for 20 minutes while the drugs wore off and I warmed up but every time is different!
The Dental Nurses will make sure you're awake enough to walk and then your chaperone will take you home. You have to have an escort throughout the process and you'll need to be looked after for 24 hours.
As it can affect you in different ways its best to stay at home for 24 hours, as advised, before you decide to do anything. The first time I had it, when my right wisdom teeth were removed, I slept for most of the day and didn't wake up again until 5pm, whereas on the second sitting having my left side removed I only slept for 2 hours and was numb for 8-9 hours.
Sometimes there can be lots of pain and sometimes there will be little amounts of pain. It's varies depending on age, time, situation and person. You shouldn't be afraid of it and honestly having my wisdom teeth removed is the best thing to happen. It's so good to be able to eat without any pain!
Have you had your wisdom teeth removed? What was your experience like?
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