Another Month and another time to give praise to other writers. I know new, and old, writers all need a boost every now and then (just like I do) and so I feel like I should do things for others. Treat people how you want to be treated and all.
As always I MUST include one from Megan over at Wonderful You. Her piece in response to Laura's She's a Slut post is amazing. Read it here.
A Yellow Brick Blog is one that I've loved reading since I found it. Kirstie just seems to know how to speak to me (and everyone else). I'm loving that she had added in some fashion posts like this one - Winter Walks.
Possibly THE creepiest thing I have ever read has to be this series on Thought Catalog. Never have I ever been so sucked in and scared all at the same time. It's about a flash drive with an experiment on. Read at your own Peril, here's part 19!
I've tried not to think about guys as my track record isnt exactly the best but I cam across this and apart from one of them I think every woman should ask their other halfs these questions. Thought Catalog has the most interesting, time wasting posts there is and I love them.
I personally don't need motivation to go to the gym as I go twice a week with my friend, I see it as a way to be social and get fit, as well as toning up my tummy and getting my shoulder fixed but I love this post by Victoria. Definitely worth a read.
What posts have you been into recently?
Let me know below!
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