Friday, 31 July 2015

Book Review | The Charismatics by Ashley R Carlson

I first learned about this book through twitter. I was following someone who mentioned Ashley and that she was writing, so me being a novice writer myself decided to give her a follow. Then I found out she was publishing her first novel, read her post on Better Novel Project and then decided while I was on holiday I would read it. Not only to support someone I follow on twitter but because the blurb makes it sound like THE best story ever. 

Monday, 27 July 2015

The Love Hate Tag

While I run low on ideas and creep back into writers block I search for tags to do. So after finding this little beauty and basically forcing CJ to tag me in it, I've decided to do it. Insert purple devil face! You can find his post here, and I hope you enjoy my answers and that you take part too!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Book Review | Unbreakable by Kami Garcia

If there was one thing I never thought I would read it's a novel about ghosts. Ghosts have never interested me but mix it with secret and legion and clearly I am all in. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Book Review | The Accident Season* by Moira Fowley-Doyle

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review of the book. It's a book I've had my eye on for a while and have been so excited to read. It's such an original idea and that makes me want to read it all the more!

No Spoilers. 

Monday, 20 July 2015

5 Things Bloggers Think When Going Through Bloggers Block

Sometimes you just have no ides what words to put onto paper which others will want to read. Or that you want to read yourself. This could last for one day, one week, one month but no matter what length of time it is you soon find the same 5 thoughts going round in your mind.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Book Review | Karma by Donna Augustine

If you're looking for something different to read and haven't read anything about Karma before then I definitely suggest this. Another one of Amazon's famous enablers led me to buy this book and I have to say I enjoyed it enough to buy the second one. 

Monday, 13 July 2015

Seasonal Thoughts | 5 Things I Hate About Summer

How it is mid-july already I do not know. This year is flying by and I feel like I have achieved next to nothing. I've given up my 63 thousand word manuscript, I got to 38K on my second manuscript, I started a new job in January and I've read some pretty awesome books but when it comes to summer, although loving the fact there is no rain, there are a few things I absolutely hate about this season. 

Friday, 10 July 2015

Book Review | Return to Bluebell Hill by Rebecca Pugh

My jealousy of new authors coming out of the woodwork is at an all time high after I met a few people who are writing novels, two of which have recently had their first ones published. While I sit here and throw away 63K words and wallow in my self pity.

However, I actually like the people who have written the books and Becca is no exception. With this little number under her belt, a heartwarming love story, I cannot wait to read more of her work and I am proud of her - even though we haven't met. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

Under Inspection | Olay Daily Facial Cloths

Seems lately my writing time has been cut short. Again trying to fit everything into the short space of time I have outside of work is causing to be a problem. Never the less I am aiming for four posts a month, hopefully you'll get more but I am making no promises! Sorry guys. 

Anyway, seeing as I have such little time anything that saves me those precious few minutes is a god send. Which is exactly what these little things do. Plus with the weather hopefully turning more heated these cold cloths are exactly what you need.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Book Review | Star Thief by Jamie Grey

Sometimes Amazon is an enabler and makes me buy books. This was one of them, and it was fantastic! From the exciting first pages to the tension filled ending this sci-fi book was such a good pick up and I implore you to go and buy it if you are looking for something knew like I was. 

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