Thursday 28 November 2013

Post 2 | My Favourite Quote

Originally I decided that I wouldn't post everyday, however to kick start my blog I have decided that I'm going to attempt to do the 30 day blog challenge. Now don't get me wrong I might not post every day, I would actually like to have some time to do something a little less boring with my life than sit in my bed a write, but for the next 30 posts they will all be linked to the challenge.

So until a day I miss, here's Post 2. My Favourite Quote.

This was a hard one as there are so many quotes that I can relate to and think relate to other people or situations in everyday life, or emotions or simply thinking i agree. For example this quote; Every experience in life, good or bad, is an opportunity to grow. (Especially the bad ones). This is a quote by an incredible woman i found about a year ago. Most know her as The Single Woman and she's taken twitter by storm. It always seems to be that when i need something, a line or quote or a bit of advice my phone will light up with my twitter notifications and there she will be with some kind of power with words. It's breathtaking, and most always makes me smile. It may not be what I want to hear, but it's definitely what I need.

Another quote I really like is from a television series called Gossip Girl. Now I have seen every episode at least three times and I have all six of them on DVD, but only one quote ever sticks out to me. Serena says, "Sometimes planning it or talking about it can ruin a good thing." Now I have always found this to be true, the moment you talk too much or think too much about something it gets ruined. Psychologically, it gets ruined because we think too much. We think so long and hard that our brains come up with scenarios that might not even happen! How many times have you confronted someone and thought out an argument, got all your answers ready and the argument doesn't happen, the other person doesn't stick to the script and ruins it. So yes, talking helps, having time to think helps, but if you do it too much, sometimes (no not all, you have to have a silver lining somewhere) it can ruin things for yourself.

Now I suppose it's time for my Favourite Quote. I've not had to think much about this, there are so many things that it could mean, but you are beautiful it just takes the right person to see it. Believe in yourself a little bit more, you're worth it.

Ciao Bella

Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always

be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But

they will never be YOU.

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