Friday, 25 September 2015
I've Moved!
Hi Everyone,
I have some super exciting news, if you couldn't already tell by the title image, I have moved! Don't worry you'll still get all the great posts just on a different platform. To see it in action head on over to and let me know what you think.
I also have a small favour to ask of you as well. I have created a reader survey so I'd appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and let me know what you think. Click Here and fill out the questions!
See you on the new blog!
Monday, 21 September 2015
Holiday Reads | My Five Choices
One thing I love about Holidays is the 7 days I get to just read. I catch up on so much from my TBR -mainly from my kindle. They're so handy to take on holiday. So today is a post where I recommend 5 books I think you should be taking away with you the next holiday you have and enjoying a nice light(ish) read while you're led by the pool relaxing. Not thinking about work or any form of blogging/writing you need to be doing.
Friday, 18 September 2015
Book Review | Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
Sometimes I pick up books just because I love the covers. I'm very much see it like it read it buy it in my book ways. This cover for me is so simplistic it is beautiful and so I picked it up and read the back and needless to say it was the perfect blurb to capture my attention.
Monday, 14 September 2015
An Interview With... Briana Morgan
Today I have the lovely Briana, who I personally think is an amazing writer. No I am ot just saying that because I follow her blog and it's a miracle she wanted to feature on mine. Okay, maybe. Anyway, I have been loving this series, and I hope you are too so lets delve in and find out a bit more about Briana.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Blog Tour | Book Review | The Riviera* by Karen Aldous
Another day, another blog tour. I received this free ebook copy of The Riviera through NetGalley as I signed up to the blog tour with Jenny In Neverland. If you want to check out her blog I suggest you do so, and if you're an author wanting to promote your book she has a website for that too!
Monday, 7 September 2015
The Disney Book Tag
After seeing this on Jenny In Neverlands blog, it took me approximately two seconds to decide I wanted to give this ago too. Just like Jenny I am a book nerd but also a HUGE disney fan. I'm still trying to convince my boyfriend to take a trip to florida, so naturally this TAG would have definitely appealed to me.
Like Disney and Books too? Why not do the tag yourself? Let me know if you do!
This post does contain book spoilers - read at your own risk.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Book Review | The Blast by Sarah Perlmutter
The only dystopian novels I have ever read are The Hunger Games and Divergent trilogies. I thought about writing my own once but I wasn't sure how that would work out so that idea went on the back burner and then through the brilliance of Twitter I found Sarah Perlmutter.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Haul | Boots Beauty Products
Don't be fooled by the title this haul is not boots own products, just beauty products I've bought from boots. Ever since I got back into blogging and youtube watching I have been wanting to go on a spending spree - it's definitely the reason I am broke. I noticed that not watching videos of new products stopped me from buying so much. I was so frugal before!
Friday, 28 August 2015
Book Review | Just The Way You Are by Lynsey James
Social Media is a wonderful tool. One minute you'll be reading about a horrible tragedy, the next your bombarded with beautiful book covers. That is how I found this book. Plus the review on Jenny In Neverlands Blog, it was hard not to want to snap this up immediately. Which is what I inevitably did.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Four Things Tag
Just like Jenny, I've been majorly stuck for blog post ideas. So stuck this one doesn't even get a photo! However, I've still got a few book reviews to write but for anything else my mind is completely blank, and I like to mix it up for you guys. So I stole her stolen idea of this tag. You can read hers here, and the one she stole here.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Book Review | Unmarked by Kami Garcia
Being an avid reader it doesnt take a lot for me to become hooked with a series, as long as I like it. With Kami's books although it took me a while to get around to reading, finding time after starting a new job with more hours is more difficult than you think, I have fallen for Kennedy and she is the reason I keep coming back. Good characters, story, cover and description and you have me wanting another sequel all the time.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Response | Unrequited Love - My Letter to Laura
I don't think I have ever had a reason to write anything like this before until now. To understand this post you'll probably want to head over to superlatively rude and read Laura's, it's amazing and you won't regret it. Laura Williams you are a star and this is my letter to you;
Oh Laura, I feel like all my e-mails to you start like this. You don't mind right?
I totally get how you feel in your post Unrequited Love, in fact it was because of your amazing ability to write and connect that I wrote my own few posts under the title The Heart Monologues. It was hard and I was scared, but seeing as I'm not a "well known" or have a big following - no one commented, no one judged and I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. So firstly, I want to thank you for that, secondly I want to tell you about my HUGE accomplishment with my best friend/love of my life/I now dislike him.
Monday, 17 August 2015
Life | Demanding My Apology
There are a few times where I read Laura's work and think that doesn't fit with my life. I don't need to ask anyone for an apology. Then I was thinking about it and I guess maybe the people who used to bully me in school but then I thought, nah we were kids so I'm sure they've all grown up by now.
Long story short, I concluded to myself that no-one in my life, good friend or not, needed to apologies to me. Then I met probably the most horrible person I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Book Review | Jinxed By Donna Augustine
I love a good book series so when Karma finished and there was still more of the story to go I was so happy that Jinxed was out. While I like standalone books, sometimes you need a series so you don't have to let go of the characters just yet - HP feels anyone?
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Blog Tour | Undone by His Kiss by Anabelle Bryant
So as I am doing a lot of blog tours I thought I would mix it up a bit. Today I have an excerpt from Anabelle Bryants new book Undone By His Kiss and I have to say this is amazing! While normally you'd get one long section this time you have two small ones and it's definitely the way to whet your appetite for this book!
Here's a little bit to make you want to read more:
Blurb: A most delicious challenge…
Experience has taught Emily Shaw that men are best avoided, so she’s determined to take her place in society alone and unrestrained by marriage. Renting a room in the heart of London, she establishes a Women’s League to promote equality between the sexes and teach women to be independent.
Jasper St David isn’t looking for distractions, but he’s fascinated by beautiful, fiercely opinionated Emily when she moves into the office above his. And when he learns of her determination never to succumb to male charms, he can’t help but see it as a challenge! After all, Jasper’s always found nothing more tantalising than the thrill of the chase…
Monday, 10 August 2015
Under Inspection | Naked On The Run
I was lucky enough to receive this from one of my friends for christmas/birthday back earlier in the year and I have to say I was so excited and taken a back that I actually got it. After seeing this advertised I knew this would be a perfect travel companion.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Book Review | The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
I had been out of the reading game for a few years before I was lured back into it by the book bloggers and book tubers. The Mortal Instruments were some of the first books I started to read after my three year stint of not reading at all. Now I have a kindle bursting with books and a book shelf with no space on it.
Monday, 3 August 2015
An Interview With... Jenny In Neverland

So if you've been following twitter you'll see that recently I've been wanting to do some Q&A posts and a while back I had this Idea to start a series and do "An Interview With" as it never really took off I put it aside but decided it was worth getting back out of the old closet and trying again. With that here is the first post in a new series! Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Blog Tour | Swords Around The Throne by Ian Ross Q&A
Again I have the amazing opportunity to take part in another Blog Tour hosted by the lovely Jenny In Neverland. I tried to read the book but unfortunately I was working non-stop and didn't have time to read the book so I decided to ask some questions as getting inside the mind of an author is always interesting to me.
I was going through a bit of a writers block phase (sensing a theme lately?) and only thought up four questions but with the in depth answers I think you'll all be completely satisfied with the answers. I know I was!
Friday, 31 July 2015
Book Review | The Charismatics by Ashley R Carlson
I first learned about this book through twitter. I was following someone who mentioned Ashley and that she was writing, so me being a novice writer myself decided to give her a follow. Then I found out she was publishing her first novel, read her post on Better Novel Project and then decided while I was on holiday I would read it. Not only to support someone I follow on twitter but because the blurb makes it sound like THE best story ever.
Monday, 27 July 2015
The Love Hate Tag
While I run low on ideas and creep back into writers block I search for tags to do. So after finding this little beauty and basically forcing CJ to tag me in it, I've decided to do it. Insert purple devil face! You can find his post here, and I hope you enjoy my answers and that you take part too!
Friday, 24 July 2015
Book Review | Unbreakable by Kami Garcia
If there was one thing I never thought I would read it's a novel about ghosts. Ghosts have never interested me but mix it with secret and legion and clearly I am all in.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Book Review | The Accident Season* by Moira Fowley-Doyle
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review of the book. It's a book I've had my eye on for a while and have been so excited to read. It's such an original idea and that makes me want to read it all the more!
No Spoilers.
Monday, 20 July 2015
5 Things Bloggers Think When Going Through Bloggers Block
Sometimes you just have no ides what words to put onto paper which others will want to read. Or that you want to read yourself. This could last for one day, one week, one month but no matter what length of time it is you soon find the same 5 thoughts going round in your mind.
Friday, 17 July 2015
Book Review | Karma by Donna Augustine
If you're looking for something different to read and haven't read anything about Karma before then I definitely suggest this. Another one of Amazon's famous enablers led me to buy this book and I have to say I enjoyed it enough to buy the second one.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Seasonal Thoughts | 5 Things I Hate About Summer
How it is mid-july already I do not know. This year is flying by and I feel like I have achieved next to nothing. I've given up my 63 thousand word manuscript, I got to 38K on my second manuscript, I started a new job in January and I've read some pretty awesome books but when it comes to summer, although loving the fact there is no rain, there are a few things I absolutely hate about this season.
Friday, 10 July 2015
Book Review | Return to Bluebell Hill by Rebecca Pugh
My jealousy of new authors coming out of the woodwork is at an all time high after I met a few people who are writing novels, two of which have recently had their first ones published. While I sit here and throw away 63K words and wallow in my self pity.
However, I actually like the people who have written the books and Becca is no exception. With this little number under her belt, a heartwarming love story, I cannot wait to read more of her work and I am proud of her - even though we haven't met.
Monday, 6 July 2015
Under Inspection | Olay Daily Facial Cloths
Seems lately my writing time has been cut short. Again trying to fit everything into the short space of time I have outside of work is causing to be a problem. Never the less I am aiming for four posts a month, hopefully you'll get more but I am making no promises! Sorry guys.
Anyway, seeing as I have such little time anything that saves me those precious few minutes is a god send. Which is exactly what these little things do. Plus with the weather hopefully turning more heated these cold cloths are exactly what you need.
Friday, 3 July 2015
Book Review | Star Thief by Jamie Grey
Sometimes Amazon is an enabler and makes me buy books. This was one of them, and it was fantastic! From the exciting first pages to the tension filled ending this sci-fi book was such a good pick up and I implore you to go and buy it if you are looking for something knew like I was.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Book Haul | 9 Books
Since starting my new job there hasn't really been much time to do anything. I get up at 5:40, I leave by 7 and I work from 7:30 till 5:30, then depending on the day I either get home around 7 or 8:30, it's a long day for me. When I get home, I shower, cook, sit down and talk with either my parents or boyfriend (depending on who's house I'm staying at) and then if it's Monday or Wednesday I watch TV (Hello GoT and PLL!!).
Monday, 22 June 2015
Blogging | Internet Friends I'd Like To Meet
Since I started blogging, and openly speaking about the book I've been writing for 3 years I've met a few people on Twitter and honestly they're a pretty cool bunch of people, and sometimes we have conversations that just make me think - Hey, these people are awesome and I'd like to meet them to see if we'd be exactly the same IRL as on Twitter/E-mail.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Book Review | Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
There are a few books that give me goosebumps, especially in 28 degree heat, but there I was lying on my sunbed in Lanzarote with this book feeling all sorts of emotions. This book however had a twist which surprised me, and continued to surprise me until the end.
Warning: No Spoilers.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Writing Update | I'm Not Back...
...but I am attempting to write more. As you know a couple months back (except my shceduled posts) I hit the bloggers block hard and I haven't really written anything for at least 6 weeks straight for the blog. My novel writing has however increased but not as much as I would have liked.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Reaction | Pretty Little Liars S6E1
Since I started watching pretty little liars on DVD I have been obsessed with the show. I now own the first four seasons on DVD, expecting the 5th for christmas, and have the greatest thanks to Netflix for adding new episodes after it's aired in the US. Hello PLL fix!
However, today I want to talk about the Season 6 Premier for the Summer of Answers because HOLY COW it was fantastic.
Please don't continue if you haven't seen it - this post contains spoilers.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Blog Tour | Life's a Beach and Then...
Welcome to another wonderful blog tour hosted by the lovely Jenny In Neverland. First of all go and find her on Facebook and Twitter. This one is going to be a little different as it's an author Q&A, the blurb of the book and some author information.
Blurb: Holly Wilson has landed a dream job but there is one proviso… she must keep it secret, and that means telling lies. Holly hates telling lies.
But Philippe has not been completely honest either and when Holly stumbles across the truth, she feels totally betrayed.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Monthly Review - May 2015
I've been thinking about doing one of these for a while. I've been subscribed to Nicole's Newsletter for a good 6 or more months and every month without fail she sends out the review sheet. So this month, in an attempt to kickstart my blogging again (don't hold your breath, this rut is horrible) I thought I would take part and share it with all of you.
Monday, 4 May 2015
The Little Things
"I'm not that special" he said to me as I stood up.
I smiled at him as I turned away and walked out the room singing to myself quietly, "you are to me."
I'm not sure if he notices the way I look at him, or how I try and get as close as possible to him when we are sleeping but I think this one just might be exactly what I'm looking for.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Writing Update | I'm Taking A Break...
Sometimes the need for a break is so large you crumble under the pressure to write. Words get lost and hard to find and what you do write never seems good enough.
hater blocker,
Friday, 17 April 2015
NaNoWriMo | My First Try
As mentioned in my Blogger Jealously post, I took part in NaNoWriMo last November. It was a last minute thing and no, I didn’t reach the 50,000 word mark. I was debating whether to write anything at all, whether to carry on with the book I started or start a complete new one and by the time I actually decided an entire week went by!
With one week gone I wasn’t sure I would make 50,000 or anything even close to it but I started anyway. I put a stop to my social life to attempt to write every evening because I work full time Monday to Friday.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Book Review | Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
Finding books you bought months ago and finding them to be extremely exciting is one of my favourite things. I bought this book almost a year ago when I decided to bring books into my blog and I finished reading it recently. My mind was blown and my heart pumped blood a little too fast around my body but this book was not being put down.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Hey It's Okay... Relationship Virgins
Taking my inspiration from Cosmopolitans magazine and this article, I’ve come to the conclusion I am a relationship virgin.
I wouldn’t know what a date was if it came and slapped me in the face. Sometimes I think a planned event with someone I quite fancy is a date, sometimes I have no idea cause it was only to the cinema. Is the Cinema a date? Do you have to formaly say it is one before it is?
Clueless. That’s me.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Blogger Crush | Thumbelina Lillie
Following on from my Blogmas post I decided it was about time I praised the Bloggers that I love to read all the time. There a loads so this series will hopefully continue on for a while and I do every one justice.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Under Inspection | Soap & Glory Bronzer
Being a make-up novice bronzer was always something I would hear about and wonder "how do I use that?" Being a pale girl makes it exceptionally hard to find one that doesn't make me look like I've smeared mud all over my face or been a little too happy with the fake tan.
Friday, 10 April 2015
This month my wish list is a little more brand inspired. Focusing on a brand which I haven't tried anything from and picking the products that, if my purse provided the cash, I would buy first before trying anything else.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Book Review | The Pirates Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke
Sequels are always good books. While they may not be to the standard of the first, they still hold a great appeal to avid book readers. Emerging yourself back into a world you've already begun to love is one of my favourite things.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Five Things I Shouldn't Like But Do
We all have guilty pleasures in life. Things we wouldn't boast about to the world but we enjoy in secret. We like to indulge in them and that is a really good thing.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Make Up Look | Kim Kardashian
As you all know, or should know, by now my friend Amy is a very talented make up artist and during the first afternoon of playing dress up Rhianne's face she chose to do a Kim Kardashian eye look on me.
Monday, 6 April 2015
Under Inspection | This Works
Until I turned 20 I never used moisturiser. My mother used to hate it and she would always tell me that she has moisturised since she was 14 and the doctors say her skin is a amazing. Well mine isn't and I haven't managed to find one that fits my skin.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Blog Tour | When Darkness Comes by Bruce Blake
Normally I would be doing a review but with my current work/writing/life situation I haven't had the chance to delve into this wonderful world again. So instead here's the prologue. Don't tell me you're not already hooked!
Am I ready to kill?
A cloud of swirling mist sighed out between Kuneprius’ lips, rising into the night to smear the glow of the winter moon. He watched it dissipate, then exhaled another long plume, blowing it out the way he’d seen the Brothers do when they smoked their pipes filled with sweetweed. Instead of swirling like the wreaths he’d watched them create, his breath came out a ragged column.
Kuneprius cocked his head toward the urgent sound, an apology teetering on the tip of his tongue. At the last instant, he remembered himself and said nothing, pressing himself flatter against the side of the hill. Fildrian lay less than ten man-lengths away, but the Brother’s black hood and robe hid him in the darkness; despite his proximity, empty loneliness ached in Kuneprius’ chest.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Book Review | The Archived by Victoria Schwab
Booktube is probably one of my favourite and worst things I have ever come across. I even had to buy another bookshelf to be able to keep up with my worsening book habit. I need to find time in my schedule to stick reading back into it because since starting my new job I have fallen so far behind even though I was super ahead.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
April TBR
This year has been a good year for reading already and I'm hoping that will continue. Another month and another four books to read.
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