Sunday 8 December 2013

Just Take a Hint

Now I don't know if this is just me. I don't know what it's like the other way round because I chased somebody once, fought for them and they still chose someone else, now they're engaged and having a baby. Yeah, that sucked. However, I've learnt my lesson and I don't chase anyone now. I'll give them chances but I don't chase. So why when people do chase and the other person is clearly not interested, why do they keep going?

Notice I used the word clearly. I'm the kind of person who says things how they are. I try not to beat around the bush because life is too short and there is just no point. If you like someone, all well and good, go for it. If they like you back, brilliant, if they don't, well better luck next time. One of the oldest sayings is "plenty more fish in the sea". This is true. People make a choice to be with someone because they love them, and if they don't love you there will be someone else out there who will. How long it will take to find them, well your guess is as good as mine.

So this guy has been messaging me for about two years now I think, could be way off. Definitely so long I can't remember when we met. He asks to see me, I say no because I'm either busy or not interested and he'll say something rude back to me. Now I am by no means an expert at these things, in fact I get things wrong most of the time when it comes to matters of the heart, but surely if you think someone is perfect (their words, definitely not mine) being rude to them is not the best way to get them to meet up with you. Or am I just being crazy?

There's this phrase "treat them mean, keep them keen" but in my experience this only works 50% of the time, as in only on one side. Usually the side that isn't interested. I'm genuinely not interested in this person and sometimes I feel I have to be cruel to be kind, so why is he still trying? Don't get me wrong he is a lovely guy, probably a good friend and a great laugh, it's nice to see him if I am on a night out, but would I want to "hang out" with them? Probably not, sorry if you're reading this!

Well that's my ramble for the day!
If you have experiences you'd like to share, send them over!

Ciao Bella

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