Wednesday 23 July 2014

Rambles of a Lost Soul

Today I’ve decided to write a slightly more lifestyle/rant type of post. I’ve recently been feeling a bit down and then I saw this picture which I’ve posted to my Twitter and I realised the truth in it. Because of social media we have started comparing ourselves to those we admire and love a bit too much, especially all our favourite bloggers and youtubers. Let’s be honest, they all look amazing and who wouldn’t want a job where you film videos and have fun! We need to stop comparing our behind the scenes to everyone’s highlight reel. Just because that ten minute vlog you watched looked amazing doesn’t mean lives are like that 100% of the time.

Being a blogger isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. You have to plan, try and get readers and enjoy it all at the same time. Sometimes that’s a little tough. Being a girl I always compare myself to others even though it’s idiotic and negative in every way, you’ll never be happy if it continues.

I am a massive culprit for this sort of thing. I compare myself to others far too much and get myself in such horrid moods, it’s very unhealthy.
For example: One of the blogs I read recently posted that they went to an event after two months of blogging. This got me down because I’ve been blogging for nearly a year and not attended a single one.  Why is that you might ask? I have no idea! I’d love to attend an event and meet new people but alas I am clearly not one of the ones privy to this side of the blogging world, and that’s okay.

We need to remember why we started these things. I started blogging to keep myself writing. I do reviews, posts like these and various lists. I think that’s why sometimes when I get a creative flare I just grab a pen or keyboard and see where it goes. I didn’t plan this post it just came to me. Since doing this I have nearly completed my project that I have been working on and I am so proud of myself!

Then there’s the standard girlie comparisons of “her life is better than mine” “I want to look like her” “she’s more talented than me” “I am fat” etc etc.
I mean seriously girls just because you’re a size 12 and your friend is a size 6 doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you! I think everyone has something about themselves that they don’t like. Take me for example; I hate the fact all my muscles have lost their firmness due to me doing no exercise since stopping dance, so I’ve tried to change that by doing a small workout each day. It only takes me 20 minutes which means I still have time for other activities. My friend hates how broad her shoulders are because she feels it makes her look bigger than she actually is (I think she’s beautiful and talented [she’s a makeup artist]). We should stop looking at what we haven’t got and start looking at what we have got.

We all want jobs we enjoy, someone to love us, a nice car, a house and lots of money but you’re not going to get anything you want by sitting around doing nothing and whining (which I do a lot of [insert monkey faced emoji]). Who got anything by being negative? It’s going to take a lot of hard work and dedication but if you want to do something just do it. My mum has always told me if you want something or are thinking about doing something go ahead and try it. If it goes wrong you’ll know it’s not for you, nothing was ever gained from playing it safe.

My advice, stop worrying about how you look – someone somewhere will love you for you. You want to go travel for a year? Go do it. Get a job, work hard and then go do what you want. You want to be a YouTube star, take out your camera and make a video. The first step is always the hardest but it’ll be the best one you take. For every negative you make find a positive to counter it, you’ll feel better.

Hope I haven’t rambled on too much. Let me know if you enjoyed this post.
It’s only two days till the weekend!

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p.s i've been thinking about starting book tube/youtube - let me know what you think!

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