Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Fitness Post

This year my New Years Resolution is to eat healthy and get fit. So i've decided to start on the 13th January. Why such a random date you might ask? Well I tried to get fit in december but it was cold and wet and wondy and too close to christmas, I was going out for meals and the healthy eating just wasnt happening! Nor was the exercise for that matter! It's also my birthday this week, and a pretty special one at that so I've decided that there isnt much point starting now either, alcohol makes you lose appitite and mobility so therefore it would be a waste. I may as well start a fresh after all the antics for one year!

I've kick started this by buying some new gym/working out clothes;

Both are from Amazon. I love Amazon, its a naughty habit I should really break!

So plan is, drink a litre of water a day (just to start, as i'll probably need to pee a lot!) and eat as healthy as i can. Im going to do the 5:2 diet. Which isnt really a diet as if you stick at it and keep doing it your body will stay at a stable weight. This is where you eat whatever you like for 5 days out of the week and then on the other two days you only eat 400 calories. Not the healthiest I hear you think, but the only way to know is to try it. I'll do this for three months, update you of course and let you know my findings. 

For exercise, my mother and I are going to go power walking on a Monday evening. I will do the seven minute workout and 25 squats every day I don't do exercise or I have plans to see friends as these don't take up much time! And twice a week I am going to do a video by Jillian Michaels. The two I will use you can see here and here. They aren't too long but they will be worth it if it stick to it. Which I am totally going to attempt to do! 

If you read this, follow me on twitter and tweet me ALL the time with #sevenminutes so 1. I know you read my blog and 2. it reminds me to do the seven minute workout!

Let me know any of your fitness plans this year!

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