Monday 3 March 2014

10 Things I Want To Do This Year

I saw this post on Tanya Burr's Blog, which you can see here! Go check that out because it is very interesting! Tanya's was more personal than mine is going to be this year's goals to achieve by the end of the year! No pressure!

1. Finish my project: I have been working on something for about 4 years now and it's definitely time I got my act together and started to finish it!

2. Get a full time job. Not to say that I don't already have one, I just don't have a full time wage. This needs to change!

3. Learn to cook. Lately I've found myself eating the same things which are very simple. I feel that maybe I should learn to cook something other than soup!

4. Learn to write better blog posts. Lately I've been feeling that these post just aren't up to the standard that I want them to be. Could just be because I'm very distracted with everything that I'm trying to do. Being impatient really doesn't help me at all. 

5. Break my habits. I seem to have fallen into a habit of laziness and I need to break it. I want to be more active and creative. Make blogging feel more like a necessity than a chore, not sit in bed for the entire evening/weekend, to make my life more than work and bed. I want a routine that isn't set in stone and can be changed but still followed. 

6. Be more girlie. I want to be able to say my closet is full of dresses and skirts and it's really feminine, but it isn't. I'm too much of a boot, jean and jumper lover, but I hardly have any of those either. Someone take me shopping?

7. Find a foundation and primer that works with my nose. I'm fed up of a dry flakey nose and I need something to protect it. Ideas anyone?

8. Be happy. I just want to love my life the way I choose and be happy. Not going to let other people bring me down any more. 

9. Get some new furniture for my bedroom so it's not so childlike anymore! It's literally a child's bedroom. 

10. To be tidier. Once I get new furniture and have more room so that I can stop having piles of clothes everywhere and actually put clothes away, having room for them obviously. 

This was actually really hard! I never realised how hard it would be to pick ten things to achieve this year. As that's me all rounded up why don't you let me know if you have anything you want to do this year? 

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